2024 Year-End Tax Info

Members who earned $10 or more in dividends will receive a 1099-INT form. This form will be included with your December statement. Members who paid $600 or more in mortgage interest on a home equity loan with the credit union will receive a 1098 form. Members who received more than $600 in gifts, prizes, or awards from the credit union will receive a 1099-MISC.

Members who have multiple membership accounts will receive 1099-INT information separately for each membership number.

Year-end dividend information can be found on your December statement. Please retain your December statement for your tax records. Your 1099-INT info is on this statement and separate mailings will only be sent for qualified accounts.

Attention eStatement Users: Members who are enrolled in eStatements can view their statement in the online banking center, as usual, after January 3rd. No paper copy of the 1099-INT tax form will be mailed. To read the Instructions for form 1099-INT, click here.

If you need additional information or assistance locating your tax information, please contact the credit union at 713-755-5160.