Earn some cash for all the hard work you did this school year!
You can earn $5 per qualifying period containing only* A’s and B’s, up to $20 for the year to be deposited into your Kid’s Treasure account** by August 6th! Submit your child’s YEAR-END report cards starting at the end of each school year and no later than July 31st to be rewarded for all your A’s and B’s earned through the school year.
Report cards can be dropped off in person, faxed at 713-755-8982. Attention: Good Grade Rewards, or mailed to the credit union Attention: Good Grade Rewards.
We will not accept report cards from previous school years.
You can now upload a pdf copy right here from May 31st-July 31st!
Sorry, this form is currently closed. This form will begin accepting year-end report cards on May 31st and will close at 11:00 PM on July 31st.
*any periods containing grades other than A’s and/or B’s do not qualify for the reward. **Member must have a kid’s treasure account, have all A’s and B’s in a quarter to qualify for a $5 reward, up to $20 for the year. We will not accept report cards from previous school years. Mid-year/Mid-session progress reports are not accepted.
Only year-end report cards.
Only year-end report cards.