What is Payroll Deduction?
Only offered to Harris County Employees – This allows a convenient option to make automatic deposits to your membership in the form of savings/checking account contributions and loan payments directly taken from your payroll as a deduction.
How do I get a Payroll Deduction Agreement?
On the HCFCU website HCFCU.COM or click here Payroll Deduction Agreement
How do I complete a Payroll Deduction Agreement?
Complete the required fields on page 1 of the Payroll Deduction Agreement to confirm your total deduction amount. Complete page 2 to detail the disbursement between your accounts &/or loan payments. Send the document to Membership Services by email services@hcfcu.com or fax 713-755-8982.
How can I start/stop a Harris County Payroll Deduction?
Please submit a Payroll Deduction Agreement to confirm the appropriate bi-weekly amount and send the document to Membership Services by email services@hcfcu.com or fax 713-755-8982.
To stop deductions, submit a Payroll Deduction Agreement with $0.00 reflecting the amount next to Harris County FCU and send the document to Membership Services.
How can I modify an existing Harris County Payroll Deduction?
Please submit a Payroll Deduction Agreement to confirm the appropriate bi-weekly amount. When making updates to your payroll deduction, please include any existing deductions you do not want to change as well as any new deductions you would like to add. Otherwise, your existing deductions will be canceled when submitting an updated form that does not include them. Send the documents to Membership Services by email services@hcfcu.com or fax 713-755-8982.
What should I do if I am retiring from Harris County, and my loan payments are made using Payroll Deduction?
Once you’ve received your final paycheck you can make your loan payments using any of the following payment methods:
- ePay: If you’re looking to make a payment with a payment card or routing and account number from another financial institution, you may register your loan for ePay. You can begin this process by visiting https://hcfcu.com/epay. Need more information? Visit our ePay FAQs.
- Auto Funds Transfers: Loan payments can be scheduled from your HCFCU deposit accounts under the “Pay & Transfer” tab in online banking.
- Account2Account: To establish the ability to transfer funds between your account at another financial institution and your credit union account, complete our A2A form.
Please contact a loan department representative at 713-755-5160 and select option 4 if you need to change the payment frequency of your loan from semi-monthly to monthly to coincide with your retirement, social security, or another source of income.